The Measuring

  • In my opinion THE OJAS SYSTEM is capable to activate to a great extent the spiritual energy of both the house and the people inside it. In the hands of an expert OJAS PRACTITIONER, the Lecher antenna can measure the so called double-numbers, or master numbers (i.e. 1,1 L.A.), the presence of the spiritual energy or, more precisely, of spiritual activations.

    The OJAS HARMONY TREATMENT opens up to spiritual frequencies, and the ojas practitioner can measure the energetic awakening of some of the double frequencies like the mentioned 1,1 L.A.

    With the 1,1 starts the “poetry of energetic building biology”, the search for the frequencies of the “Master numbers”, the spiritual planes, the golden proportions, the study of the sacred places, of the great lay-lines, of the ago puncture points or chakras of the earth, of the physical and spiritual healing places.

    Nets with the frequency 11,11, the Marian energy, can be found.
  • The aim of all of our surveys and treatments is that of bringing the place up to a full manifestation of energy and the spiritual frequencies, because only these frequencies guarantee a deep, global protection.

    Nevertheless, many houses, even when treated with Feng Shui or Vastu, cannot be fully unblocked, and this is caused by the fact that the planners didn't take the help of expert geobiologists.

    Although a project may be perfect and most effective, if you don't take in due consideration the energy blocks deriving from materials, geopathologies, electric wirings, water pipes and heating systems, we will never let the house really “breathe”.

    The transmission of certain precise light frequencies to the house walls and to the above-mentioned structural “communicant vases”, allows an extraordinary speed increase in the flowing of all the indispensable biological frequencies.

    For these and more reasons, the synergy and the reciprocal assistance as well as inspiration, among planners, architects, Feng Shui and Vastu ones especially, and experienced geobiologists, is one of absolute necessity and importance.

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