The Measuring

  • According to many geobiologists, the Lecher periscopic antenna is nowadays considered the most important and accurate instrument for geobiological and energetical measurements both on people and the environment.
    The German physicist Ernst Lecher built this antenna with a normalized scale of wavelengths (in inverse relationship with the frequency) that allows to locate and syntonize oneself with most of the substances and phenomena in the environment.
    Among all the ancient populations we find that rabdomants, geomants and priests were highly recognised and appreciated figures who knew methods of self-perceptive investigation. Until the eighteen century, dowsing was also known and used by the builders of houses and palaces here in the west. Insects too, use their antennas to enter in resonance with what they need; in example, ants resonate with the vibrations of everything that is eatable for them.
  • In the Austria and Germany of the first half of 1900, water was the main energy source, through mills, dams and hydroelectric conduits. Lecher had to prevent dams from breaking, an event that was more frequent during springtime, when the snow melts. Therefore, he built an instrument made with a copper thread that would enter in resonance in correspondence with the water wavelength (λ). Energy propagates from matter with frequencies that are characteristic for each substance. As it is for living beings, that an energy imbalance is usually the harbinger of a problem that will later manifest itself in the physical; it was the same with the dams: when the situation was about to become critical and a breach was about to appear, the vibration of the water could be perceived much more strongly than usual on the external surface of the same dam, making it possible to find the week points that had to be immediately reinforced. The energy of the water would come out the wall of the dam long before the actual structural break of the material.

  • Another german engineer, Schneider, rebuilt and perfected the original antenna. His antenna is the most complete but also the most difficult to use and requires years of study and practice. There are many other different versions of the antenna, with different kind of scales and different ways to utilize them. However, in order to be properly usable, it is essential that an antenna responds to the wavelength (λ) =17,6, that defines the state of harmony between light and Cosmo telluric energy. The Lecher Antenna measures the wavelength (λ) of everything that exists and consequently its vibrational frequency (ν) (υ), for (as said before) wavelength and frequency are dependent and in inverse relationship with each other.

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