The Measuring

  • In a house, a blocked at this third harmony, there is often a cause for a block of the creativity, of the mental lucidity, of the constructive communication, of the harmonious flowing of the emotions. Often, treating  the north, the east and the north-east side of the house leads to spectacular results in terms of reactivation of the earth and sky energies. For this reason, many geobiologists always give due importance to the carrying energy matrix produced by the north (the southward gravitational flow) and produced by   the east (solar flow), besides the specific applications of Feng Shui and Vastu.

    We now come to the 4th harmony, the cosmo telluric harmony; it represents the Cosmo telluric equilibrium, the perfect and structured relationship between Heaven and Earth.

    In Feng Shui, heaven and earth are perfectly complementary and the symbol representing their union is a white tiger (mother earth) and a blue dragon (sky). The dragon has to be seven times stronger than the tiger. If this equilibrium, 7 versus 1, is missing, then problems and disharmonies start. The sky force is the spiritual force that has to utilize, in reciprocal harmony, the magnetic force of the earth.
  • It is like if three dowsing antennas formed man, we ourselves are the best instruments for measuring. Antennas, biotensors, are just an extension of our own sensitivity. We are capable of directly perceive any phenomena with the hands and with the mind.

    The  “frequency” is often difficult to find because most of the people are unbalanced in this up-down relationship; as a matter of fact, a cell phone is enough to alter it.
    If the sky is blocked we cannot have access to the spiritual forces and only the magnetic material forces drive us. The sky is connected to the electric field, the earth to the magnetic field.

    The minimum goal for any treatment of energy rebalances should be to reach at least the 4th Harmony. Here we find a harmonised environment, stabilized on good global energy parameters (for those using the bovis scale, we are around 7000 UB and over). It is also the parameter of physical wellbeing and the parameter of the energy concentration. A healthy person resonates on this frequency both at the forehead level and at the heart level.

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