Ojas Energetic Building Biology 5

    The practice of Western geomancy is originally derived from Celtic and Germanic cultural traditions. Druids, priests or community leaders would divine the most appropriate and beneficial site for the various buildings and structures that were integral to the social and spiritual workings of a community, such as the church, town well or town square. These places would become the literal hub of the community and would therefore need to be positioned in a powerful place from a practical and an energetic point of view. Consequently, we find town squares located at the physical centre of the village and village wells located in a place where the telluric forces were said to be good and importantly, the water clean.
    Current forms of geomancy that are practiced today include: Feng Shui which is a form of Chinese geomancy, Hindu Vastuvidya which is currently practiced in India and the Madagascan system of Vinta.
    In the 1930's, Alfred Watkins discovered there were lines within the Earth that connected the sacred sites to one another (including Stonehenge) in the English countryside. He referred to these lines as 'leys'. England is well known for its use of dowsing to locate geopathic stress like Ley lines.
    Alfred Watkins was one of the first investigators to ignite contemporary interest in Ley Lines and alignments of sacred sites. 'His thesis was that the pre-Roman track ways of Britain were constructed in straight lines marked out by sighting from major intervisible points: mountain peaks in high districts, and hills, knolls or artificial mounds in lower ones.'[1] He termed the track ways "old straight-tracks", which until this time had been assumed to be service roads related to commerce and business.
    Dr. Ernst Hartmann, well-known originally for his discovery of the global grid system (the Hartmann Grid), researched the effects of earth rays on humans for well over thirty years; his experience led him to produce a six hundred page report stating that disease was a problem of location. He found one of the first things to be adversely affected was the immune system, as a result of which, individuals placed above an area of geopathic disturbance soon lost the ability to defend themselves against harmful bacteria that previously they were able to withstand. There was also a very firm link with the development of cancer in people that slept or worked above the crossing points of earth ray systems for lengthy periods of time.
    Some of the various geomantic phenomenon studied at the Ojas Academy:
    * Geo-magnetic lines
    * Geological fault lines
    * Ley lines
    * Schumann resonance
    * Under ground water (and their various types)
    * Negative and positive psychic impressions (static and moving)
    * Hartman and Curry grids

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