Ojas Energetic Building Biology 3

    The whole metal- iron structure of modern houses acts as a cage, in which every part is virtually in subtle communication with the whole. Any kind of subtle energy or vibrations consequently spread rapidly through the whole building, although in different ways such as sewage, gas, water supply and electrical cabling. Natural magnetic energy from mother Earth and cosmic fields are distorted and contaminated by all these various information. The Earth, moreover, generates numerous energy "networks", to which scholars of energetic geobiology (the science that studies the relationship between these energies and living organisms) have given many names. The best known networks are those of Dr. Hartmann and Dr. Curry, but there are many more literally in the hundreds.

    They both describe a mystic force field (similar to Qi) that supposedly covers the earth at regular intervals and may be detected by dowsing using a divining rod. It is not supposed to be detectable by common scientific instruments but some still connect it to telluric currents, which are actual phenomena, detectable by scientific instruments.

    Placing people or other living things in certain spots of the earth radiation knots is believed to be beneficial/harmful depending on radiation flow direction. It connects to the Gaia energy and vitalist school and is very popular in Europe.
    The radiation is described as a grid-like arrangement with lines at regular distances:
    * Curry lines are supposed to be circa 3,5 meters apart (with variations), diagonally to the poles, east to west.
    * Hartmann lines run both east-west and north-south forming a grid across the earths surface with a distance of circa 2 meters in the north-south direction and 2.5 meters in the east-west direction.
    * Big Ley lines are natural energy lines, maintained by stone formations such as stone ships or other ancient archaeological structures or temples.
    * Small Ley lines are man-made energy lines, created by stone formations such as stone ships or other ancient archaeological structures. There is a specific knowledge to activate these lines and sometimes the use of these subtle energies lines are part of an Ojas treatment of the house.

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