Ojas Energetic Building Biology 2

  • PRINCIPLE OF RESONANCE: Physical resonance occurs when two objects have frequencies of oscillations that are close to each other. When two such systems are in proximity they will resonate at the frequency dictated by the stronger of the two. According to the resonance theory, everything is constantly connected with physical, mental, energetical, spiritual fields of resonance. Subtle energy fields are associated to all types of energies, and should always be harmonious, coherent and naturally expanding with the Universal energy. The Ojas Device or Subtle Energy device, is highly coherent and induces harmonious resonance even in material objects and in the electromagnetic force. Subtle energies fields can be focused and converted through special energy-information transduction, such as the Ojas Subtle energy technique. These fields are beyond physicality and ence not possible to measure, but they seem to manifest their positive effects and when we are opened and peaceful we can feel clean and fresh new energy associated with Chi and Prana moving around after an Ojas treatment.

    The Ojas energizing method develops and maintains harmonious energy fields in modern building biology. The introduction of a higher harmonic energy field acts as a productive and nurturing field rather than an energy consuming and draining field which has become common in modern day structures. The old chinese masters used to define this force as Chi or Sheng Chi whilst the old vedic seers used to call it Prana active in Prakriti. This is the global manifested energy field with which it is fundamental to create a permanent resonance for positive living. Energy currents and networks are everywhere. The planet is continually bombarded by a great quantity of energy, both dense and subtle, cosmic and telluric of either a natural or artificial nature.
    'When bio-entrainment takes place, external waves of energy pass through living beings such as people. This creates a dynamic interchange in which, generally speaking, the stronger the external field, the greater the change in the living beings internal fields. So long as there is not a disharmonic antagonism between the inner fields and the outer fields, the inner fields tend to harmonize with the outer ones... According to the unique quality and strength of each Ojas external field, special harmonic notes are played with resonant inner fields. The phenomena of dowsing/biolocation using "consciousness" as an instrument of detection can therefore be better understood within this new and emerging holistic approach to preventive health at a level of reality where interconnectedness rather than separateness dominates. Medicine and the prevention of disease is moving into a new era where Building biology and the detection of energies are more and more important.

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