












  • Workers and staff of RUFALEX appreciate the positive working atmosphere within the company. However, the physical wellbeing in the working areas was not at its best. This situation was changed by a harmonisation of the building.
    At least in one respect Hanjörg Rufer, managing director of RUFALEX-Shutter-Systems AG, is ahead of many of his fellow men /has an advantage over many of his fellow men: He likes/enjoys going to work. Managing the family company, which was founded /built up by his father, offers him fulfillment and a challenge. The only problem ("fly in the ointment") was: „At my office in our company building in Kirchberg I didn›t feel completely at ease/well and I used to get tired quickly,“ the 44-year-old man recollects. Through his sister he heard about the so-called Ojas System and contacted Soyana, the company who had developed the Ojas-System.

    An office above a tranformer station
    After a short inspection of the building, Michael Schrottenholzer quickly discovered the obious reason/cause: "The office of Hansjörg Rufer is located directly above a transformer station, a huge station emitting an enormous amount of electrical voltage," explains the leader of the Ojas department who also develops the Ojas products and whose team shortly afterwards conducted a harmonisation of the whole company building, requested by the managing director of RUFALEX.

    Open circulation of life energy Harmonising a building? Michael Schrottenholzer explained the principle: "There are disturbing fields, whose negative vibrations put a strain on a working or living space and thus can affect the wellbeing of people working or living there. These disturbing fields include e.g. earth radiation and electro-smog, but also subtle emissions of building materials and furniture. These disturbances can be made to disappear in a natural way. The Ojas products have the capacity to harmonize negative vibrations and Hansjörg Rufer and Michael Schrottelholzer in front of the company building hamonised with Ojas
  • Also the workers and staff, like production manager Mr. Lanz, deeply appreciate the Ojas vitalisation. disturbing fields in buildings, by enabling the natural life energy to flow again freely. The actual meaning of the term Ojas, derived from the old Indian language of Sanskrit, is in fact "higher life energy".

    With regard to the company of RUFALEX, this means: in places within the company building, where tests showed a particularly high degree of disturbing radiation, Ojas energy products were placed. They consist, according to Michael Schrottenholzer, of two parts: copper, which carries and conducts the Ojas energy, and quartz sand, which serves as a storage medium. By placing the energy carriers in immediate proximity to the power supply system/ electrical net, heating system and water pipes, existing circuits/cycles are used as distributors. /to distribute the Ojas energy. "At the same time these systems, which cover also basements and upper floors energetically, operate as antennas connecting heaven/sky and earth," adds Michael Schrottenholzer, the Ojas product developper.

    Improved air quality in the production hall
    The results: In the production hall of RUFALEX, where a number of specially constructed/designed Ojas systems have been mounted to iron beams weighing several tons, the workers report a noticeable improvement of the air quality. At the same time, the summer heat had given way to a pleasant coolness. "A coolness, as we know it from old cathedrals," Michael Schrottenholzer draws a comparison and links the Ojas harmonisation to the building quality of ancient architecture. "The spires /steeples of churches, the gates of cathedrals, their pillars and arches operate like antennas, connecting the plus pole of the sky/heaven with the minus pole of the earth. These are ideal preconditions for a free flow of natural life energy and a building up of a powerful energy field in and around the building. Powerful enough to harmonise all kinds of electrical strains."

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