Residential Clients

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These are possible examples of different types of Ojas residential houses. The Ojas treatment resonates through the technical Systems and structures of the house. Thousands of residential clients are happily enjoying the benefits of an Ojas energised House!

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    Predecessor energy:

    is where the behaviour, thoughts, and feelings of previous habitants of a building leave their imprint behind. This old stuck energy can disrupt previous harmonious lives  often without the occupants recognising the source, despite the 'feeling' that something is not quite right with a place. The Ojas Harmony approach has cleared thousands of properties contributing to an increased joy and wellbeing experienced by the inhabitants. The quality of a new subtle energy field created by the combination of Ojas devices and the knowledge of the Ojas practitioner is able to move the natural flow of Chi and prana. It is like moving water that has been previously stuck; energy is like a subtle river or flow of water sometimes full of detritus and residues but that once it is free to move, it can decongest itself manifesting its full potential and powerful motions and oxygenations. These types of energies are only energies that have not been processed, that are keeping the house in its old patterns and schemes. The Ojas energy is an ever increasing and evolving field that can serve also for this important purpose.

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    Environmental stress:

    Areas occur when subterranean water lines, fault lines and other geological phenomena distort natural radiations emanating from the earth.  This stress is also occurring when electromagnetic pollution is over the tolerance level for the organism. These stresses are harmful to living organisms affecting sleep and behavioral patterns of those who are living or work space are built close to them.  The Ojas energy as explained before, is not changing the intensity of these measurable fields, but on the contrary is changing the quality of the subtle energy produced by the field itself.  The Ojas energy is able to create a new harmonious information carried out by the stressors thus the subtle body can increase it own natural capacity to protect itself and increase the body self-healing process. The stronger the energy the stronger will be the energetical shield of the house and of the person. In the Subtle energy dimension there is an innate information that has to be valued and protected all the time and that is the Supreme idea of joy, happiness and prosperity intimately connected with all forms of lives in God's creation. Good energy is not the absence of stress, pathology… but the presence of harmony, prosperity, opportunity, openness, awareness, consciousness and cosmic life renewal.  


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