Living Space Harmony Treatment

  • "I filled my house with objects I liked, everything I had was made from natural materials, and nevertheless something was missing! It was not really a home until I created a connection with the cycle of harmony and energy in nature. Thanks to the Ojas interconnection energy field that I have created, now my environment brings home this connectivity and nurtures all the aspects of my body, mind and spirit. Now I feel my home and working place to be really one with me".

    Our environment and we are connected and affect each other. By restoring balance and harmony in both the environment and personally, much stress and tension is released. When an environment has been cleared and balanced then there is a greater opportunity to grow and develop your natural given talents and abilities.

  • In a large part, we each co-create our reality based on our conscious and unconscious beliefs. In an Ojas cleared and harmonised space we can become more empowered to make conscious choices and co-create our life with positive intention where stress, tension and old patterns are easily released. But there is even another advantage: the Ojas energy is actually not only renewable energy but it is constantly renewed!

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