Visionlab research 4

  • Soyana’s founder, A.W.Dänzer, suggested this idea to the BAG (Schweizerisches Bundesamt für Gesundheit = Swiss Federal Agency for Health), the institution responsible for all food declaration in Switzerland. He was asked to show documentation. He took a few hundred pictures and presented the idea inside BAG in Bern. The lady in charge said that this was very interesting and that he should continue his research, plus she kept all documents and wanted more, just for her private interest. He asked what the next step was and what he could do to proceed? The answer was that there is no reaction needed from their side until something becomes a mainstream scientific fact. Publishing an article in a scientific journal was not enough. Only when the main scientific institutions in the world changed their positions, then the BAG would also accept our research.
    This was not exactly encouraging for a small food manufacturer to make further contributions. Today, Soyana, The Secrets of Perfection-Flames is to our knowledge still the only food manufacturer in the world monitoring and researching its food quality with crystallisation pictures of life energy.
    If you would like to see a film with results of their research click here.
    You see the film “The Flower of Life, Crystal Pictures of Ojas Water and Chi by Visionlab”.
    The significance of this new perspective is enormous. The more one becomes aware of the qualitative, informational and vibrational aspects of foods, the more one realises that the physical matter of the food carries a more beneficial, yet hidden dimension for man’s holistic harmony and well-being.
    Visionlab uses specific process steps, which have been developed from spagyric methods.
    The word "Spagyric" comes from two Greek words meaning "to separate or purify" and "to reunite", alluding to the specific preparation process of a spagyric essence. Spagyric medicine is first attributed to Paracelsus, the great 16th century Swiss doctor. Paracelsus was a healer, a physician and a professor of medicine. He strongly believed in the connection between humankind and nature, and that plants were placed on earth for our benefit. To Paracelsus is attributed the Doctrine of Signatures: the concept that the healing potential of a plant is shown in its very form, or "signature". Plants are natural remedies and their healing power can be increased by spagyric transformation. As a natural therapeutic system, Spagyric treats the human being as a whole - body, soul and spirit - and in this respect, Spagyric has the same foundation as the oldest ways of healing, namely Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicines. Heir to alchemy, Spagyric is based on the alchemical concept of transformation. The crystalline picture is obtained from the test liquid only, without adding anything or subtracting anything. For its crystallisation, it is not added to a salt or a metal as this is done by some other well-known image creating methods. The Visionlab uses always the same standardised method and keeps the conditions for all research constant – in the framework of what human beings can manage – in order to make results comparable. The image forming possibilities are unlimited and infinite. Therefore, the shape of a tested liquid is very specific, characteristic and easy to recognize and assess.
  • Our experience indicates that a strong life energy shapes matter in mineral structures with straight lines, sharp corners, crystal-like forms, while the highest life energy shapes matter to plant-like forms that are rounded, soft and organic in appearance. Interestingly enough, in a holistic view, one can observe the same developmental principle in the evolution of nature and even in the psychic development of man.
  • Further progress in developing definable criteria for assessing crystalline structures is on the horizon. For example, different areas of a drop can look differently, especially regarding the degree of penetration by one cluster or pattern, the area of the edge, the middle and the centre. Another difference concerns different angles at which a cluster branches out. We estimate that there is a connection between certain materials and the appearance of  characteristic forms. It is clear that further discoveries will enhance interpretation of these amazing structures. We are at the beginning of a fascinating development.
  • The Visionlab methodology is called SAT (Spagyric Advanced Technology) and is a new crystallographic extraction methodology. This methodology has been in development since 2000. Under the current director, Dr. Kausal Cortella Ph.D., a breakthrough in stabilizing the results took place in 2006.
    The single precipitation structure is analysed microscopically, with a series of different standardised magnifications. The final photography procedure is able to record the visual results and capture the correspondent images for one's remedy or food sample. The crystalline structures appearing when the SAT method is used, are moved by the intrinsic vitality of the analysed sample. The macro-crystal parameter and matrix, repeated in numeric and mathematic sequence, shows an active biological and energetic value otherwise impossible to find and discover with other methodologies. Under the influence of these inner shaping forces, macro-crystals are shaped into more or less harmonious patterns, according to the precise quality. Quality must be expressed not only by the absence of polluting or contaminating factors, but also by the presence of vitality, order and active information.
    The SAT method values the energetic and vibrational qualities of the analysed remedy, and does not express any judgment concerning the proper chemical and physical content. That is why SAT is considered the only methodology able to identify the subtle energies and vibrational information transferred in and through homeopathic and vibrational remedies. 

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