Matter and energy 3

  • "To know that Purusha and Prakriti are one and inseparable, is to know the Truth of Unity and Divinity in humanity, which will eventually be manifested as the divinity of humanity." Sri Chinmoy.

    The Ojas energy is a manifestation of the Sattvic force and principle but also harmonize the rajasic energy. Negative rajasic energy implies movement, aggressiveness and restlessness but positive Rajas is a fundamental vital energy, a human potential that is absolutely needed to have success, power and prosperity. Also Tamas in its positive aspect is absolutely important because is the principle of stability and solidity.
  • But without the spiritual sattvic principle of harmony and purity in the body, in the mind and in the surrounding, the life force and the life energy is not be completely fulfilling. Usually people of sattvic temperament have awareness of their bodies, behavior and consciousness. They believe in the possibility of excellence at every moment of their life and they are always looking forward for new improvements in their energy and global wellbeing; these human beings usually are our Ojas customers and they can perfectly feel the way the pure essence of the Ojas is offered to the World at large.

  • " Sattva-tree bears the fruit called harmony.
    Rajas-tree bears the fruit called pain.
    Tamas-tree bears the fruit called ignorance."

    Sri Chinmoy

  • The Ojas energy field is able to transform the quality of subtle energy in matter. Matter in energy, and energy in matter, no possible separation! If energy is a centripetal force stored in the core of matter, it is absolutely possible to re-awaken the dormient energy and move it through a specific pattern of
  • consciousness. This is what is happening with the Ojas force. Information, order, quality, energetical
  • effects, tangible results, vibrations, these are all part and parcel of the Ojas local and non-local field.
    In the Ojas concept and perception of energy, matter is consciousness as in the traditional indian concept. Matter is continuously stimulated and trans-passed by information-fields (vritti) of order or disorder. It would be better to say that matter-energy more likely has the nature of a thought and we can influence this reality by introducing sattvic energy. Quantum physics implies that we not only observe the reality but we do change it according to our capacity.

    In the Ojas energetic approach the primary state or condition of matter exists for the precise reason to reflect the glory of the supreme harmony and consciousness.

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